Do You Make These Plumbing Mistakes In Your Home?
Hassling over plunging toilets and drains clogging up to no end, are reoccurring problems in your home that takes a toll on your time, savings and can be completely resolved by calling a personal professional plumber here in the Big Country area. Consequently, using DIY (do it yourself) tricks can not only create more damage that could be irreparable but also create such issues as floods, pipes collapsing, toilets blocked in the drainage system
are just small examples. There are many common actions you as a homeowner does that contribute to the deterioration of your home’s plumbing system, that plumbers in Abilene wish you wouldn’t do. Our plumbers here in Abilene would like to share some all too common plumbing mistakes you should avoid or quit doing. Pass it along to your neighbors or family members to caution them as well.
Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid
1. Trashing Your Toilet
Toilet fixtures are built to flush waste and toilet paper effectively, but many people abuse this fixture in their home the most, with carelessly throwing nondisposable or non-flushable items into the toilet causing clogged and overflowed toilets. Hard absorbing materials as diapers, sanitary products, wipes (facial or baby) will block your pipes, unlike toilet paper which is made to be biodegradable flushable material. Your drainage system would be very constricted due to the swelling of these products because they were not made to deteriorate.
Call your local plumber in Abilene when your toilet has become clogged. Let a professional technician take a look. Treating your toilet like its capable of consuming anything, will only deteriorate its condition.
2. Using Dangerous Chemicals
Using the “do-it-yourself” tricks could only give a short-term fix and most do not work well. Abilene Plumbers don’t ever recommend any of these tricks to any homeowner. The safest measure you could
take to do things on your own would be using a plunger. Also, the belief of using corrosive liquids claiming to dissolve clogs is not entirely correct. These liquids can dissolve and corrode your plumbing pipes faster, weaken them and crumble. Strong chemicals can be harmful to your lungs as well. The use of harsh, hazardous chemicals may react and release fumes and overflow from sinks and toilets with nasty wastewater and can be costly on your drains with replacements. Call your local plumber to assist in getting your draining system working efficiently.
3. Using Drop-in Fresheners for Toilet
Your plumbing pipes and p-traps need to be checked by a technician in the Big Country if you have recurring issues of a smelly bathroom. Don’t just mask the smell, have your pipes checked and resolve the issue. Most issues would be from your piping unhinged, leaking or being damaged. The blue drop-in fresheners do cover emanating smells in your toilet, but they are a slow hazard to the flush valves in your toilet due to residue building up it remains. Occasionally, the tiny blue bits break off and lodge in the flush valves, constricting the flow of water. In the worst cases, they halt the process of flushing altogether. If your problem of odor still exists, contact a knowledgeable plumber in Abilene to inspect your toilets. Avoid the use of tablets and keep an air spray freshener on hand.
4. Being Unaware About Your Plumbing Setup
Let’s get some facts straight; homes are vulnerable to accidents with your plumbing system, whether they are new or old. Leaks & drips are a sign of major problems that can occur which can lead to broken leaky pipes, valves bursting and flooding. Not having the knowledge of the plumbing setup in your home can make problems grow, be costly, add to your bills, as a waste of water accumulates through these leaks. A simple turn of the shut-off valve can save you troubles and problems until a plumber arrives. Learning about your home’s plumbing drains, shut off valves and emergency valves can help you contain
the issue before it becomes worse. Our company insists on homeowners to know the location and how to operate the main water valve (shutoff valve) to their home in case of issues or leaks. Call one of your local technicians in the Abilene area to handle your repairs and to show you where everything is located and its function.
5. Thinking You Are in Control
Do it yourself repairs and tricks can mislead homeowners that their plumbing mistakes are fixed and under control when it has just masked the underlying problem and created a temporary band-aid. Doing your own maintenance for small issues can help your plumbing system-no doubt; however, they are only good for treating symptoms. Your plumbing system in your home requires the expertise of a professional plumber here in the Big Country to make it work at its finest. Hire a professional plumber to inspect your home and evaluate issues such as water heaters, pressure valves, or serious leaks. Never assume you are in control of these situations that require knowledgeable technical support.
6. Misusing the Garbage Disposal
Garbage disposers may come across as a one-stop solution to dispose of all your kitchen scraps. However, they are only built for breaking down simple, organic matter. The mechanical structure inside the garbage disposal is not built to handle hard materials such as thick bones and seeds from solid foods. These materials are commonly known to cause blockages in the drainpipes and damage the disposal structure. Hence, these materials belong in the trash only. As a precaution, only discard the items stated in your garbage disposal manual. Also, call a professional plumber for routine maintenance and inspection to keep the disposer running efficiently for years.
Professional Plumbers: Better than DIY plumbing
Your plumbing system can easily be damaged with “do-it-yourself” tricks. Before you take on a project by yourself, it is best to read up on the problems and certain whether it is within your reach to accomplish. Putting your faith in our professional plumbers is a better alternative to keeping your drains clear and issues controlled for good. Additionally, routine inspections are an effective way to nip the early stages of plumbing problems in the bud.
With Midway Plumbing outstanding services, your home will be protected against damaging issues. Our knowledgeable technicians provide on-time assistance and are well-trained in handling the toughest situations with punctuality and professionalism.
Hire only the best for guarantee results. Call Midway Plumbing and speak to one of the office staff today!